Task 5 - Prepare and upload your website


here is a guide
here is a podcast

All of what follows can be in one word document called Task 5 - Hosting and uploading

What you have to do

You need to look at three different webhosts ones and then pick one. You will actually use someone else to get online.

You also need to comment on and compare the following criteria for the three webhosts.

Cost per month/Year.
Bandwith (speed of connection)
Traffic (in Gb allowed per month) and what happens if you go over the allowed limit.
What services the host provides (PHP, ASP etc). Helps for forums and guestbooks
Can you get a one click shopping cart .
Uptime -how often its broken?
Do they back upo your website?
Any thing else they tell you.

Choose a Domain name

Go on 123 reg and check to see which of your chosen domain name are available and which extension you can have.
show screenshots of your searches.

Upload your site

You now need to get a free host and upload your site show screenshots of your site in remote view in dreamweaver and show a screenshot of your site "on the web".

when you set up your hosting save the settings thet email you or life becomes a real pain.